5620 S. Coddington Ave., Lincoln, NE
First Things First
First Service 9:00 AM
Featuring the same gospel message with more traditional Gospel music and Hymn flair.
Sabbath School
Bible Study 10:00 AM
Age appropriate Bible Studies and activities are available for everyone. Discover More
All Praise!
Second Service 11:30 AM
Featuring the same gospel message
with more contemporary worship songs and more.
. New Creation is hosting a weekly addiction support group led by Ron Felton. If you are struggling, have struggled, or know someone who is struggling with an addiction, please join us. No judgment zone!
Together, lets take a better look at the letters John wrote. This small group is perfect for really digging deep in the bible, one book at a time. Class starts at 5:30pm, every Sabbath.
SOUPer C.O.W.--join us at 6:30 PM for one of three awesome classes: Music Jam with Susan Byers, Book Club, discussing the book Practicing the Way, and Hobbies in the Lobby. Also, you can join us early, at 6 PM, to eat soup supper with your New Creation friends. Soup and bread are provided.
Starting on Fridays, 9:30-10:30, come help us with food scarcity in our local neighborhood. We will be packing food for the elementary kids to take home over the weekend, helping to make sure no one goes hungry away from school. Talk to Pastor Dana if your interested in helping out.
We are starting to think about another year of gardening! Whether you save plastic containers, bring a truck of compost, help pull weeds or harvest crops, there is something for everyone! Speaking of everyone, this garden IS for everyone, so don't feel afraid to come get some tomatoes or cucumber for an evening salad. We would love to see you out in the garden this year.
Check Out Even More Events:
New Creation Community is a contemporary Christian Seventh-day Adventist church filled with friendly families just like yours. If you are looking for a church to connect with, come check us out!