New Creation Community

A Seventh-day Adventist Experience

Upcoming Events

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1st Service Worship
Sat 7/27 9:00 am
Sabbath School Groups
Sat 7/27 10:10 am
2nd Worship Service
Sat 7/27 11:30 am
Guerrilla Faith
Sat 7/27 5:30 pm

Special Event, August 3, 2024

Freeze a gallon of ice, help the Pathfinders be ready for Gillette!

This week freeze a gallon of ice and bring it to church next Sabbath, August 3. It will help the pathfinders keep their Gillette food nice and cold.

Special Event, July 20, 2024

Roper Elementary Shoe and Toiletry Drive

Select an ornament from our Christmas trees and bring that item back for students at Roper Elementary who need new shoes and toiletries this fall when they return to school. Let's make an impact on our neighborhood!


Guerrilla Faith

Guerrilla Faith, come discover the gospel through the book of Ephesians. Guerrilla Faith meets from 5:30 to 6:30 PM each Sabbath and digs deep into the word of God.



Pathfinders meets on Wednesdays from 6:30 - 8:30 PM during the school year. Even though it's the summer they are meeting a few times to prepare to go to International Pathfinder Camporee in Gillette! Join our energetic group learning to love Jesus and some incredible skills.

Special Event, July 28, 2024

Men's Ministries Presents: COMMUNITY! A Men's Brunch

Join us at The Eatery, 2548 S. 48th Street for Brunch and fellowship. We're going Dutch, but assistance is available if you need it.


Coffee with the Pastor

Coffee with the pastor meets at Scooters at 27th and Pine Lake Road. Join us for prayer, discussion, and inspiration!


Addiction Support Group

Mondays at 6:30 PM, New Creation is hosting a weekly addiction support group led by Ron Felton. If you are struggling, have struggled, or know someone who is struggling with an addiction, please join us. No judgment zone!


Super C.O.W. [Connecting on Wednesdays]

SOUPer C.O.W.--join us at 6:30 PM for one of three awesome classes: Constitution Class with Ray Daugherty and Music Jam with Susan Byers. Also, you can join us early, at 6 PM, to eat soup supper with your New Creation friends. Soup and bread are provided.

Special Event, August 11, 2024

Women Walking Whole

Come join this small group/support group and discover the truth of who you are in Jesus and what it means to be His and whole. Meeting from 10am-noon at New Creation.

Special Event, August 18, 2024

50+ Brunch

If you feel like you're 50 or older, come commiserate with some of the best people on the planet. Hosted by the Escamillas' at their acreage, 4200 W Bucks Drive, it's a great time to bond and get to know each other.

Related Information

Giving Request Prayer Super C.O.W. What We Believe